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IPSJ Transactions on Mathematical Modeling and Its Applications Review Form

Please use the following review form if the reviewer cannot understand Japanese.


Paper title:

(1) Review results

a) Nature of the paper (select one)
      1. Proposal of a new mathematical model
      2. Improvement of an existing mathematical model
      3. Proposal of a new mathematical model limited to a specific
         application area
      4. Application of an existing mathematical model to a new
         application area
      5. More effective use of an existing mathematical model in its
         known application area
      6. Other topic that is relevant to the scope of this journal
         (Please specify:                                         )
      7. Not relevant to the scope of this journal

b) Evaluations
      a. Novelty
           Low 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 High
      b. Utility
           Low 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 High
      c. Organization and readability
           Low 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 High
      (Assume that 3 and above are acceptable levels)

c) If written in English, is the quality of English sufficient?
      1. Good
      2. Should be revised by an English native speaker
      3. I would like to rely on Editorial Committee's decision

d) Overall recommendation
      1. Accept
      2. Conditional accept
      3. Reject

(2) Comments to Editorial Committee (e.g., recommendation for best
  paper awards, etc.)

(3) Comments to the authors (for "Accept", if any)

(3) Comments to the authors (for "Conditional accept")
a. I will check myself whether the following conditions are met after
b. I will rely on the Editor to check whether the following conditions
 are met after revision.

(3) Comments to the authors (for "Reject")
a. Results are already known or easily derivable from other known facts.
b. There is a fundamental error in the paper.
c. The paper is irrelevant to the SIG Mathematical Modeling and
 Problem Solving.
Detailed reasons for rejection:



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