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IPSJ TOM Call for Papers

The Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)
Transactions on Mathematical Modeling and its Applications (TOM)
and IPSJ SIG on Mathematical Modeling and Problem Solving (SIGMPS)


Instructions for Submitting an Oral Presentation
(with or without an accompanying paper)


  1. To submit a request for an oral presentation without an accompanying paper, follow the the procedures in the guidelines for meetings of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) of the IPSJ.


  2. To submit a request for an oral presentation with an accompanying paper, clearly label the application with the words "with Paper Submission". Keywords and references must be given in the manuscript. The information will be used for finding appropriate reviewers.


    1. A summary of the proposed oral presentation must be submitted to the administration office of the IPSJ by Monday three weeks prior to the meeting. The page limitation is directed from the IPSJ committee each time.


    2. An electronic copy of the accompanying manuscript must be submitted at least four weeks prior to the meeting, via e-mail to the editor indicated on the meeting announcement. There are no page-count limitations, however the manuscript must be submitted in postscript format.


    3. Authors will be notified of acceptance/rejection of their submission(s) on the day of the meeting.


    In general, submission of papers without an accompanying oral presentation is not allowed. Exceptions are only granted for cases described below under items 3 and 4.


  3. To submit a manuscript, the earlier draft of which was rejected for publication, authors must indicate that substantial revisions and/or meaningful new results have been incorporated into the latest draft. Revised manuscripts must be clearly marked, ``RESUBMISSION". Two options are available to authors.


    1. For notification of acceptance/rejection during a meeting, authors must follow the procedures described under 2. Manuscripts must include keywords and references. Submission of a summary is not required. At least one author must be present in the event that a reviewer requests an oral presentation or reply to questions.


    2. For notification of acceptance/rejection with no specified meeting, an oral presentation is not required. Although revised manuscripts may be submitted any time, there may be some delays in reviewing a manuscript if it is not submitted to a specific meeting.


  4. To submit a manuscript on topics relevant to one of the meetings or symposiums of MPS without an accompanying oral presentation, follow the procedure described in 2(b). Submissions must be clearly marked, "Paper Submission related to Topics in the n-th Meeting (or Symposium)." Although revised manuscripts may be submitted any time, there may be some delays in reviewing a manuscript if it is not submitted to a specific meeting.

    Submission of manuscripts without an accompanying presentation is not handled by the administration office of the IPSJ so that the submission will not be announced in the Journal of the IPSJ and the paper will not be published in the Research Report of the MPS.

Submission of Oral Presentations and Papers

For all submissions which include a manuscript to be reviewed, send the items listed below by e-mail to trans-mps-editors(at)ipsj.or.jp .(Please substitute "(at)" as proper)

  1. Administrative Information
    • Author's name (presenter's name):
    • Co-author(s) name(s) [optional] :
    • The desired length of time for presentation + Q&A:
      ( 20 minutes, 30 minutes, 40 minutes, other )
    • Affiliation(s)
    • Address
    • Title
    • Phone number, Fax number, and e-mail address:
    • Short Abstract (30 words in English or 75 characters in Japanese)
    • Statement of intent to submit


  2. Summary of Oral Presentation (camera-ready abstract, maximum 4 pages)


  3. Long manuscript (no page-count limit)
    The manuscript must include:
    • 3 to 5 Keywords
    • 3 to 5 References in the bibliography
      (i.e., name of published papers + authors)


  4. A 100 word English or 300 character Japanese statement describing one of the six features of the submitted manuscript listed below. Briefly explain the unique features and/or effectiveness of methods presented.
    • New mathematical models or new method:
    • Improvements of previously suggested mathematical models or methods
    • New mathematical models or methods for a specified field
    • Application of a mathematical model or method to a new field
    • More effective applications of a mathematical model or method
    • Others (contact editor regarding proposed topic)

For further information, contact TOM editorial board trans-mps-editors(at)ipsj.or.jp

Only items listed under 1. and 2. are required for submissions for an oral presentation only (no accompanying paper).

Format of Manuscripts

In the interest of shortening the turn around time and reducing costs, manuscripts submitted to TOM must conform to the guidelines listed below.

  1. An electronic copy in postscript format should be submitted via e-mail. If the file is large and the postscript file is compressed, it is the responsibility of the author(s) to notify the editor of the specifics regarding the compression scheme. The file must be compressed on a Unix-based system. Authors with electronic files of manuscripts in another format should consult the editor about the possibility of being granted an exception. Note that *exceptions are not always granted* and manuscripts in alternative formats must submit their work at least one week earlier than the announced deadline.


  2. The form of the final version of manuscripts accepted for publication must closely resemble the camera-ready form created by LaTeX. Authors are responsible for preparing the final version; Typesetting facilities are not available to TOM.

Notification of Acceptance

Notification of acceptance/rejection of manuscripts is given to authors just prior to the conclusion of a meeting, after all presentations have been completed. Authors are expected to attend the meeting of the panel of editors. In the event that authors cannot attend, an e-mail notification will be sent to the author from the editor-in-chief. It is strongly recommended that prior, written notice be sent to at least one of the editors when an author expects to be absent from the meeting with editors.



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